Monday, 27 January 2025

Here's something you don't see every day.....


Not only don't you see it every day, you're lucky to see it once in a blue moon!  

To recap, last November I wrote about my plans for a new kit... a rather lovely Mignonette Doll Presentation Box  which I intended to release early in the New Year.  Well it is now the new year and moving inexorably slowly towards the end of January (which as you all know has eleventy seven days) and still no sign of these fabled kits.

In my defence, we have been living in a maelstrom of chaos over the past few months, including cancer with all its many ramifications,  then my falling badly mid December and injuring my foot and hip, which laid me up for several weeks, and then Christmas, which didn't turn out quite as planned.  

All of which meant that the fun stuff was put on hold for the duration.  Thankfully, things have calmed down a tad so last week I was able to get into my craft room and have a proper tidy up with a view to revisiting progress on my presentation box.  I sometimes forget that there's a table in the room, as it's normally covered in multiple layers of stuff, and I have to carry out an archaeological dig to locate it.

Yesterday it took several hours to clear its surface, followed by a thorough clean to remove all traces of glue, paint etc.  When it was finally restored to a gleaming, pristine state, I stood tranfixed by it's sheer emptyness.  

Today it will once again be covered, although this time, with all the assorted components which go into making and filling my presentation box.  I'd forgotten just how much prep I'd already done.... from knife-pleated silk ribbons, to squares of lovely flower-sprigged silk for the doll's costume.  Tiny clothes hangers for her costumes.  A selection of fabrics and trimmings for her assorted hats.  And a selection of personal accessories and toys.  

Still a fair bit to do... designing her costumes, preparing materials for her hair, making up kits for the accessories etc.  With luck and a following wind I'm hoping that I'll get it all done by the end of February, but don't hold me to that.  

Better go and get on then!  That table isn't going to clutter itself. 😉