Sunday, 29 July 2018

Pinterest goals.....

I strongly suspect I'm not the only Pinterest aficionado who avidly collects pins on a multitude of boards, never to look at them again.  It doesn't help that once Pinterest knows what you like to pin, it sends you emails every few days with pins you might like... it's like offering someone who's on a diet, but has no willpower, a selection of chocolates.


As regular readers will know, there's nothing I like better than spending some time many hours on Pinterest, flitting from one delight to another, pinning freely as I go.  It's my favourite time-wasting  procrastinating  research tool.

It's definitely a form of electronic hoarding, and there are very probably PA groups which operate like AA with members having to admit to their addiction before they can move on....

" name is Sandra, and I'm a Pinaholic"

So, in an effort to justify my Pinterest addiction I'm going to make a concerted effort to actually DO something with them, as opposed to keeping them locked away in cyberspace.

I have one board in particular, which taunts me every time I pin something to it.  It's titled Inspirational Toy Dolls and contains 245 pins showing beautiful vintage dolls which I particularly admire and which I'd like to try to recreate in micro-miniature.

Here is a small random selection.....

Exquisite, aren't they?  

However, with one exception they are all quite large dolls... most are taller than 24".
Whereas I'll be trying to recreate their costumes and style using porcelain dolls under 2" tall.

Quite a size/scale discrepancy! 

But hey.... you know I like a challenge.... right? 

So, starting this week, I'm going to pick one at random and attempt to recreate a micro-miniature version.
My plan is to do one each week, many of which will end up in La Mignonette (my own French doll shop) but others might find their way either to the website, Etsy or Ebay.

I'll also document the results here..... what could possibly go wrong?! 

*cue hysterical laughter* 

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