Sunday 17 November 2019

Jiminy Cricket....

If you're anything like me, you will have an inner voice forever upbraiding you about your lack of application, your tendency to procrastination and your abject failure to stick to anything remotely resembling a sensible schedule.

Sometimes my personal Jiminy Cricket is A Good Thing... taking me to task for faffing and filibustering and generally giving me a not so gentle push to Just. Get. On. With. It.
Other times I rail against the daily grind and deliberately frustrate my own best intentions.

After a week of saintly diligence, systematically dealing with orders for my Christmas Toy Doll Trunk Kits (just TWO remaining.... HERE!!!),  answering queries, packaging boxes and practically taking up residence in the Post Office, I reached Friday feeling rather pleased with myself.  

Of course, that simply couldn't last.... could it.

Scene: Saturday morning, in the workroom, clearing up after the chaos of the previous days. Almost immediately after I've rendered the room relatively tidy, I decide that I must find my camera tripod and special stand, which I need for this week, and which I haven't laid eyes on for months.... since the last workroom makeover in the summer.

Jiminy:*questioningly* What ARE you doing?  You've only just finished tidying up, and now you're going to turf out all the cupboards!!!
Me:*defensively* Yes.  I can't find my tripod and stand.  They must be in here somewhere.
J:*flippantly* Well you should remember where you put stuff.  You only have 6 cupboards so surely the application of logic should help you in your quest.
Me:*mumbling dark expletives from the depths of a cupboard*  That's all very well for YOU to say. If I knew where they were I wouldn't have to search for them, would I?
J:*sagely* Tidy room, tidy mind. 
Me:*wildly* Oh bugger this!!!  Where are they... they can't just have disappeared......

Sunday morning... in the workroom, peace reigns.
Jiminy: *brightly* Oh you found them then.
Me:*sullenly* Yes.  In the back of that horrible cupboard there.
J:*placatingly* Well done.  I expect you've been setting them up and working out what you're going to do next.
J:*encouragingly* You know.... that deadline you've been banging on about.
Me:*simmering dangerously*
J:*coughing nervously* Yes.... well. I'm sure it will all be fine.  Lots of time yet.
Looks around for something diversionary.
J:*peering into cupboard* Gosh darn it.... that cupboard is SOOOOO tidy!
Me:*self-congratulatory* Ah, well, while I was looking for the camera stuff, I spent some time sorting through the basket of gripseal bags..... *tailing off* it was a real mess. *ploughing on* I've put them all in order of size and have labelled each bag.  I'll be able to find the exact right size I need, in seconds.
J:*appraisingly* So I see.  
Me:*quietly* And I've organised my bubble wrap.
J:*blankly* Bubble wrap.  You've 'organised' it.  
J:*sighing* Well... yes.  That's errm.  Good.  That's good.  Can't abide messy bubble wrap.  Job well done I'm sure.
Me:*tentatively* It was dreadful.  Just all balled up and crammed in.  It's nice and neatly folded now.  Flat.  Stores easily. *shuffling feet*
J:*rolling eyes* Fine.  Good.  So workroom is tidy *tick*  Gripseal bags in order of size and labelled *tick* Bubble wrap organised *tick*  Camera accessories found *big tick*
So.... there's nothing to stop you getting stuck in tomorrow then.... is there?
Me:*meekly* No.  Nothing at all.  I'll get right on it.  First thing.

Jiminy disappears in a puff of sceptical smoke.

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