Wednesday 26 April 2023

Craft room makeover planning....Part 1

Although it's been sunny today, it's been too cold to do much more on the patio project so I've been assessing what to do in my newly re-designated craft room.  It's a lovely, bright, sunny room but it's quite small so there's a definite limit to what I can achieve.

At the moment I have a long run of kitchen base units topped with a worktop along the back wall, plus my lovely upcycled bureau cabinet which is flanked by two matching painted tall bookshelves.  There are also two other bookshelves and my drop-leaf work table.   Quite a lot of furniture for such a small room.  I did used to have a tub chair in there too, which Small Dog immediately commandeered,  but that's now taken up residence in the dining room, freeing up a bit more floor space.

I want to get rid of the run of kitchen base units and replace them with a wall storage unit with individual cubby holes.  IKEA do one which is perfect and has a range of doors and drawers to fit in the cubby holes.  I can also lose the two bookshelves, as my books will fit in the wall unit.  The bookshelves can then be redeployed in one of the spare bedrooms.  

However, inevitably there has to be a complicated series of moves and counter moves before I can even think of progressing with my plan and as with most house-based makeover projects, it involves clearing the dining room which is once again performing as a storage unit for all the stuff from our caravan which is currently for sale.  The table is piled high with an assortment of caravan/camping stuff, as well as the floor space all around.... I can hardly even get through the doors to be honest.

So, I have a 10-point plan, which entails:

1. In the dining room, sort through all the camping stuff, decide what we want to keep and what can go, in order to clear the space.

2. In the workroom, empty the bookshelves and base units and move the stuff I want to keep through to the dining room.

3. Move the table into the dining room to completely clear the floor space in the craft room.

4. With the room mostly empty, apart from my bureau cabinet, CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!

5. While the deep clean is in progress, order the wall unit and storage boxes for same.

6. Build flat-pack wall unit in situ.

7. Install storage boxes, doors, drawers etc in wall unit.

8. Move all the stuff back into the room, storing it NEATLY in new wall unit.

9. Replace drop-leaf table.

10. Lay exhausted on floor in newly refurbished craft room with a glass of something suitably chilled within reach.

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