Wednesday 16 August 2023

2023 Advent Box...#1

Well..... that escalated quickly!  

I sent out an email on Monday afternoon, to gauge interest in the idea of a 2023 Advent Box, and within a few minutes my laptop was pinging fit to bust with messages coming in requesting to go on my list for further details.  

To say I'm flabbergasted is an understatement, and to be honest the response has been overwhelming.  So many lovely messages, some from people who have been customers since I first started my miniature doll business, over 35 years ago.  

I've decided to hit the ground running, and have therefore put a countdown timer on my computer desktop.  The boxes all need to be completed and ready to go on sale by 1 November to allow for delivery by 1 December, especially for international mailings so I need to run to a fairly strict timetable, given the breadth and scope of the boxes.  So here I am, on a hot August day, working towards an Advent box for December and yes, it does feel weird.

Last year's box was largely based on a Fairy Tale theme.  This year's will also have a theme, but as it's a closely guarded secret I can't divulge any details.  However, I can reveal that today I have completed packaging the first kit... EEEEK!!!

This is both A Good Thing, and A Bad Thing.  It's good because I've actually started, and as an ace procrastinator that's a major achievement.  It's bad because this will likely lull me into a false sense of security, thinking I have loads of time and how difficult can it be to get all the individual kits ready on time.  However, last year, it all went right to the line and afterwards I had to lie down in a darkened room for a fortnight.  That was a cautionary experience, and I'm determined to pace myself this time.  I have to admit that I'm having enormous fun planning and designing everything, and new ideas keep cropping up all the time, so I may be in the fortunate position of being able to pick and choose, rather than worrying about not having enough.

I'll post regularly about progress over the coming months, and might even drop the odd teaser/hint/clue along the way, so if you've expressed an interest, please drop your email address in the 'Get New Posts By Email' box and hit the Subscribe button, (it's at the top of the column on the right hand side) so you don't miss anything. 

And in the meantime......


Daydreamer said...

Hi Sandra! I am glad you are "Going for it"! I eagerly await the hints and clues.... but encourage you to take advantage of the initial rush of enthusiasm.... and knock out a few more kits! :):):)

Sandra Morris said...

Hi Betsy...
I'm on it. Going to do some of the easier to produce kits first to get some under my belt, while working on the more complex ones which will take longer to realise. Well.... that's the 'plan' anyway!