As you know, I've been musing on the idea of designing an Advent Box for this Christmas. Since I posted about it last month, I've been vacillating all over the show....
Scene: Sandra's craft room. She is surrounded by notebooks and scraps of paper, littered with jottings and is deep in thought at her laptop. A small furry presence materialises on her lap, and settles down.
Me:*distractedly* Oh, hello SD. I was hoping you'd appear. I could do with a bit of advice.
SD:*pointedly* Wel yes. Ai eckspeckt yue do. Whott is itt this tym?
Me:*carefully* Well..... I'm wondering whether or not to do another Advent Box type thing for this Christmas and I...
SD:*interrupting* THISS KRISMUS??? Muurm, ar yue kompleetlie madd? Thatts onlie aitey three dais!!!
Me:*defensively* Yes. Yes, I know. But....
SD:*emphatically* Thatts undr twelv weaks. Yule nevir doo itt!
Me:*deflatedly* I'm sure I could. Just wondering if I should though..... *tailing off*
SD:*patiently* Aim lissening....
Me:*deliberately* Ok. So there are pros and cons. On one hand, it's a LOT of work, but it's really fun to plan. Also I'm sure I've slipped off people's radar, so there might not be any interest. However last year's box was a rip-roaring success and sold out in less than an hour. I'm supposed to be retired but I do miss work and more than that, I miss coming up with an idea and figuring out how to make it work.
SD:*interestedly* Hmmm..... and du yue hav an ideer?
Me:*warily* Well yes... as a matter of fact I do have an idea.
SD:*probingly* And wil itt wurk?
Me:*hesitantly* I think so. I have a vision of how it will all look when it's finished and it's completely amazing. It's a vignette.
SD*bamboozledly* A veengnett??? Whott on erth is thatt?
Me:*gingerly* It's sort of a small scene, made up of different components but complete in itself. The Advent Box would contain all the kits necessary to make the finished vignette.
SD:*thoughfully* Ai suppoas thatt wude wurk. Kan yue tel me whott itt iss?
Me*confidentially* Well it's a secret... like last year's box contents, but I could whisper it to you...
*whisper whisper whisper*
SD:*astonishedly* WOW! Thatt sownds amaizen! Espeshullie the bitt with.... yue kno.
Me*happily* Thank you SD. Yes I thought you'd like that bit.
SD*gently* Itt duz sownd liek an owful lott of wurk tho. Ar yue shure yue kan manij itt in the tyme?
Me:*warily* I think so. I've started making lists and planning stuff for it. Just need to send out an email to gauge the level of interest. There might be no replies though.
SD:*emphatically* Onlie wun wai to fined owt. Ai thinc yue shude go fore itt.
Me*appreciatively* Oh, thank you SD. Ok then.... I will. You are such wise little dog.
SD, smiling all over her furry little face, slowly fades away, and Sandra returns to her research and list-making....
To be continued.....