Tuesday 11 July 2023

Thinking aloud.....

I think I'm just starting to get the hang of this retirement thing, but I have to admit that I do miss the cut and thrust of 'internashunal bizness'.   However, I still have a small supply of little undressed dolls, and lots of lovely fabrics, ribbons and trimmings so I'm planning on making a few dressed dolls soon, just to keep my hand in.  I've been revisiting my 'doll ideas' boards on Pinterest and have started a new little notebook to jot down ideas.   La Mignonette has been seriously denuded of little dolls, as many of the ones I made specially for it have now been sold, so I need to replenish its stock over the coming months.

I'm also musing on offering some sort of Christmas kit this year.... not a full scale, all-singing, all-dancing 25 kit Advent Box like I did last year, from which I still haven't fully recovered... but perhaps a 12-day box of numbered kits, which will make up into a little miniature vignette.  I've already started garnering ideas, some of which are clearly unworkable, but the germ of a plan is beginning to form so I'll see how it goes.  I'd need to have a working prototype completed by the beginning of September if I'm to have time to work up a complete set of kits in time for the end of November.

If I do pull it off there will only be 10 kit boxes available as I can't face the many weeks of work involved in making more.  I may also produce one new festive-themed toy doll kit later in the year, as I'm having serious withdrawal symptoms from all things Mignonette.

So with just 24 weeks till Christmas (!?!?!) I'd better get my thinking cap on....


Daydreamer said...

Hi Sandra! I am not quite getting the "hang of" retirement.... total disorganization has ensued! I gotta get a grip! As for your X-mas plans... I'm keeping an eye on this! I do enjoy making up your little doll kits especially with my sister when we visit! And the 12 days ending up as a complete vignette has me intrigued! Perhaps a "Christmas Market Stall" sort of thingy???? Right up my alley!!! :):):)

Sandra Morris said...

Hi Betsy...
Well yes, complete chaos goes hand in hand with retirement I think! With no work to focus on I'm mis-managing countless projects in the house/garden/campervan.
Re Xmas... watch this space! Still very undecided so have to fix on something I'll actually enjoy making as a kit. My inner monologue is having a right old to and fro!