Monday 9 October 2023

2023 Advent Box ...#4

Scene: Sandra's craft room.  Every flat surface is covered in boxes of kit components.  The table is piled high with assorted prototype 'structures' in various shapes and sizes.  A second folding table has been drafted in to help with the overflow of kits already packaged and those in production.

Sandra is struggling with a recalcitrant structure, trying to hold four different pieces together while glue dries.

A small furry presence wavers into view.

Sandra:*frantically* Ah, Small Dog.  Just the dog I'm looking for.  Could you put your paw here please and hold this bit in place?

SD:*incredulously* Whott?!?!?  Ar yue kwite mad?

SD waves a paw over the bit in question, passing right through it.

Me:*apologetically* Ah.  Sorry SD.  Didn't think....

SD settles down on the only clear space on the floor and looks expectantly at Sandra.

SD:*questioningly*  So.  This is another fine mess you've got yourself into.

Me:*belligerently* Yes.  Yes I know. Bite me.

SD: *raised eyebrow* Yue kno veri wel ai kant.  

Me:*smiling* Hmm... bet you wish you could though.  Might jolt some sense into me.  Anyhow, it's too late now.  The die is cast and there's no way but to go through it.

SD:*looking around the room* Itts goen wel then?

Me:*exasperatedly* No. Of course it's not. What on earth was I thinking? I swore up, down and sideways last year, that I would never, ever, under any circumstances, EVER do another Advent Box.  

SD:*opening her mouth*

Me:*interrupting* DON'T SAY ANYTHING!  I know you told me not to.  I know you said it was madness.  I know all that.  If only I'd listened.

SD*smugly* Aim knott goen to sai itt.  But I did yue kno.......

She fades away, her smirking smile hovering in the air like a small dog version of the Cheshire Cat. 

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