Sunday 22 October 2023

2023 Advent Box ...#6


Currently multitasking like a mad woman.  I know I won't be able to get everything done and ready to despatch in the next 10 days but I'm tentatively hopeful that by the end of the first week in November I'll be good to go.  All the remaining kits are under construction and I want this final Advent Box to be the best so I'm definitely going the extra mile.

It hasn't helped that one of the items just wasn't working so I've changed tack completely and started again from scratch on that kit, which has definitely put me back a few days, especially as there will be more elements in the kit which I'm going to have to make but it was definitely the right decision as the replacement is going to be far better and I'm much happier with it.

Right.... best go and get on then! 


Daydreamer said...

Bravo for keeping up the effort Sandra!
I am eagerly awaiting the "reveal" and want to be on the "definitely order one list"! I have had trouble lately leaving comments on blogs... so I am hoping this one works!

Doreen said...

Well done Sandra. Keep up the good work eagerly awaiting the launch fingers crossed I’m one of the lucky ones
