Saturday 17 February 2024

Cutting it fine.... Part 2

After breakfast this morning, I set about making a second toile for my trousers, using the new pattern I created yesterday.

Following one false start when I inadvertently sewed the two fronts together instead of a front and back, which necessitated unpicking the machine sewn seams, I finally achieved a toile which looked how it should.  Essentially another big nappy but with a higher rise.  After pressing all the seams and turning it right side out, I snuck quietly into the bedroom to try it on.

For lo... instead of the waistline coming up to my armpits, which looked completely feasible due to the size of it, my new toile did actually fit.  The top of the centre front seam came up to my waist, and the top of the centre back seam also came up to my waist.  I was unable to repress a little squeal of excitement, then PP appeared in the doorway.

Now, I'll admit I must have looked a sight.  Standing there in my grey socks, winter white legs poking out of a huge nappy, but her rolling around on the bed laughing her head off wasn't quite the reaction I'd been hoping for. 

She laughed uproariously, subsided into fits of giggles, then just as she was getting a grip, I turned round so she could have a rear view and she laughed so hard I thought she'd need oxygen. 

Scene: Bedroom.  Sandra stands disconsolately in front of the mirror, clutching the waistline of her huge nappy. Stumpy legs ending in a pair of grey woolly socks.  On the bed, PP is gasping for breath, unable to suppress gales of laughter at the sight in front of her.

Me: *shortly* Yeah, yeah... all right.  I know you think it's funny.  But I've spent nearly two days on this so a bit of encouragement wouldn't go amiss.

PP:*gurgling in an attempt to stem the rising tide of giggles* Turn round so I can see the back.

Me:*dubiously* There... see?  It comes up to my waist at the back and....

PP:*incapable of movement, tears running down her face* Well, yes.  But the legs....  *she dissolves into laughter again*

Me:*indignantly* The legs don't matter for this.  Just the trousers from the crotch up to the waist. 

PP:*struggling for control* I know that, but the legs will be ENORMOUS!

Me:*curtly* They're WIDE LEG evening trousers.  And the fabric I've chosen will  drape and flow, as opposed to this paint spattered dust sheet fabric.   Plus, without the waistband in place, you're not getting an accurate impression of how they will look when they're finished.

PP:*gasping* Alright.  But you know I asked you to make me some?  Well I've changed my mind.

Me: *sharply* Good. 

Sandra struggles out of the huge nappy, trying to rescue what remains of her dignity. She carefully folds the toile, after marking it as the corrected size.  She'll take it, and the first toile to the next dressmaking session, along with her revised pattern piece for the top of the trousers. A determined look settles on her face as she squares her shoulders and makes a solemn vow...

Me: *resolutely* I'm going to make these damned trousers if it bloody well kills me.

To be continued.....


Daydreamer said...

Oh dear....! The ambush in the dressing room is not fair! But... if it cements the resolve.... it could have a good result. I applaud from a distance your bravery and perseverance! I knew you could make the pattern fit! And perhaps the end product will be more than worth it! Comfy clothes that have some style are not easy to come by! :):)

Sandra Morris said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Betsy. I'm almost three days in and have still to put scissors to fabric. I'll show my new amended pattern and toile to the tutor on Wednesday and see what she thinks. At this rate I'll still be sewing them on the beach on holiday! Sx