I inadvertently forgot to wish my blog Happy Birthday on 4 December. It's now 17 years old!!!
Over the years I've written a grand total of 1840 posts, which yields an average of 108 a year. Of course that isn't a true reflection of how regularly I posted. The zenith was in 2009 when I penned 284. The nadir was last year, when I managed a paltry 21, although I can most definitely plead mitigating circumstances.
It's fascinating to do a 'lucky dip' and choose a post at random to re-visit. Many of them involved Small Dog in some way, and those were the ones I had most fun with. Way back in 2006 I was just about to embark on the build of a wonderful toy shop, and in the intervening years I've documented lots of different projects.
I've been remodelling La Mignonette over the past 6 months, and haven't posted about that at all, which is an omission I should correct. I will have to search out the before, during and after photos and write a proper update.
I also have a lovely little 1/24th scale shop, which has been in kit form since it was gifted to me more years ago than I care to admit, which I fully intend to get to grips with over the winter months, as it's been languishing for far too long. So watch this space!
I think I can feel some planning lists coming on..... 😉