Sunday 9 June 2019

SD ... interior designer....

Chaos reigns in the workroom.  The top part of the cabinet is on my desk, which is also littered with all the detritus of preparation and priming.

Both sections have now had two coats of primer, and I've finally cleaned off the glass on the glazed doors, which was a nightmare.

I've also been measuring up a storm, trying to work out how I can shuffle the storage cabinets in order to lose the huge desk and free up floor space.

It was while I was measuring and taking frantic notes that Small Dog wandered in and took up residence on the only 6 square inches of clear space on the carpet.

SD: *incredulously* Mummm..... whott AR yue doen?
Me: *distractedly* I'm measuring.  Trying to work out how much space I can make if I get rid of this desk.
SD: *sceptically*   Hmmm.... butt thers kwite a lott of stuf undur the desck.  Whare ar yue goen to poot it oll?
Me: *irascibly* Well yes.... it will all have to go.  I'm having a clear out.
SD: *astonished* Yueve bean haven a kleerowt for YEERS!!!  
Me: *deflated* Yes, I know.  You're right of course.  I don't know where it all comes from.  There's just so much stuff....  I keep thinking I'm making progress but no sooner do I clear one area than more stuff accumulates in another... mocking me.
SD: *helpfully* Hav yue konsiddurd a sckipp?  And a larj shuvell?
       *sniffing* And whott is thatt terribul smel?  Its dreddfool.
Me: *apologetically*  Sorry about that SD.  It's the primer I'm using on the cabinet.  
SD: *bluntly*  Itt stincks.
Me: *nodding* Yes.  Yes it does.  

SD watches me as I tap numbers into my calculator

SD: *mildly* Ar yue doen summs?
Me: *distractedly* Hmmmm?  I'm working out if this cabinet will fit in that gap over there.  Then whether I'll have room for a comfy chair by the window.
SD: *perkily*  Kumphy chare?  Bie the windoh?
Me: *warily* Umm.... yes.  If I can use the new cabinet as my workstation, I won't need this huge desk, so I was thinking... maybe.... I could have a small armchair in the space.... and a rug.... *trails off at the look in SD's eyes*
SD: *wistfully*  And KOOSHUNS?  
Me: *carefully*  Errrm... yes, probably.  Just one or two....
SD: *dreamily*  So... when yure wurken, at the kabinett... ai kude keap yue kumpnie. 
Me: *cautiously* I suppose so.....
SD:*warming to her theme* And the kumphy chare wude be kwite loe... so ai kude eesillie jumpp up on itt.  With two kooshuns... kwite sofft and snugglie.  And a sofft rug... so iff ai gett feddup sitten on the chare, ai kude poosh the kooshuns off and liy on the rug.
Me:*interrupting* Yes but the chair is really for me...
SD: *oblivious* And ai kude see owt of the windoh..... keap wotsch fore skwirruls and neckst doars katt.  
Me: *panicking* But it will be WEEKS before I'm at that stage SD.  I mean.... just look at the state of this room!  A calm, creative sanctuary it is not.
SD: *soothingly* Doant wurrie Mumm.... itt wil oll be fyne.  Jusst karrie on.... ai doant wont to distrackt yue.  Lett me kno iff yue need eni hellp choosen sopht phurnishens....
Me: *sigh*


Megan Schetsche said...

Ha, SD sounds like some people I know. I'm reading posts out of sequence so I missed some progress on the cabinet. Looks as though you're making great progress!
I'm trying to clear out my parents in law's house here in Germany. Like many frugal post-war people, they never threw away a thing and it's a rather large house... I keep thinking of the Twelve Days of Christmas, except here it's five fridges, six ironing boards, seven vacuum cleaners... most of which aren't working anymore. Trying to get rid of stuff is a mission; it won't fit in the car and you have to pay to dispose of unwanted items, there's no market for it. The only thing that makes me grateful is that MIL didn't do crafts and didn't even read and hoard books. Clearing out my house with all those craft supplies will be infinitely worse!

Sandra Morris said...

Megan.... Blimey... the thought of clearing out an entire house gives me a fit of the vapours! Trying to do just one room is bad enough.
Although, I do find that it's much easier clearing other people's stuff than my own.... less emotional investment and attachment.
Good luck with the house ;)