Saturday 14 September 2024

Best laid plans.....

This time last week, PP and I returned from a long planned special holiday, in honour of her milestone birthday next week.  We had a glorious time and enjoyed every single minute, despite some unexpected glitches and challenges.

24 hours after we got home, I started to feel unwell.  On a whim I took a Covid test.....

Despite being vaccine boosted to the gills, and after 4  1/2 years of successfully avoiding it, I've tested positive for Covid.  I've been able to get antivirals, which I've taken for the past 5 days, and which have most definitely made a big difference to the course of the infection.  Last weekend I was really poorly, but the antivirals have really helped.  Unfortunately, I've had to suspend all my other medications for the duration of the Paxlovid treatment, which has caused other issues,  plus I'm still testing positive, but I am feeling better day by day, albeit two steps forward, one step back.  I'm also absolutely, completely, overwhelmingly exhausted.  Just having a morning shower is a debilitating exercise which takes ages to recover from. 

Poor PP hasn't been so lucky.  She didn't test positive till Monday, two days after me, and due to her cancer surgery she can't have antivirals.  As she has no spleen she has no infection resistance so all this week she's been really poorly too.  

Another unintended consquence is that I can't complete my course of biologic infusions as scheduled.  I had just one left in the sequence on Monday, but it's been cancelled.  I'll have to wait at least 5 days following a negative test before I can re-book it, and ideally I will have to have the final infusion within 3 weeks from Monday.  So the clock is ticking, adding another layer of stress to an already stressful situation. 

With both of us under the weather, PP particularly so, her impending birthday celebrations have also been put on hold.

Honestly, buggrit doesn't even come close! 

Friday 13 September 2024

Crazy crochet lady.....

Back in what passed for our summer, I wrote about my burgeoning love affair with crochet.  Having finally cracked the crochet code, my enthusiasm knows no bounds and I'm now on square number 91 of my very first 100 square blanket.

Notice one very important word in that last sentence..... 'first'.

I'm already beginning to feel bereft at the thought of finishing my first blanket.  I shall miss settling down of an evening to hook a square or two, sorting and organising the gorgeous yarn colours, carefully labelling each completed square and laying it in gently in a little organza bag along with its 10 labelled neighbours.

Granted, I still have 10 squares to go, then I have to block them, sew them together, then make the border, but the end is in sight and I'm feeling twitchy.

So I have already lined up my next TWO crochet projects.  Another granny square blanket using a floral pattern, and a small laptop blanket with a flowerpress theme.  At this rate the house will be snowed under with colourful, handmade blankets, which, to me, is in no way a problem! 

As we slide into autumn, I normally experience a definite dip in my mood, and this year, for many reasons, will be no different, so I need to have a tranche of 'projects' lined up, so watch this space....