Thursday 24 December 2020

More best laid plans.....

I suppose that in this most disconcerting of years, I shouldn't be surprised that I'd be thrown another curveball.

For the past month or so I've been experiencing weird nerve pain on my right side, running from my neck, down my spine and right leg into my shin.  I put it down to my MS, which often causes neuropathic pain in odd places, but not usually in the same place over such an extended period of time.

Anyway, yesterday morning I woke up, turned over in bed then wailed like a banshee as an excruciating bolt of pain shot through my lower back, locking me in position.  I couldn't move. 

Buggrit doesn't even come close.

A hefty dose of painkillers later I managed to struggle downstairs, doing a creditable impression of Quasimodo. Needless to say, Prexmas plans for working on my little half scale shop have been shelved. 

PP, who is a back pain veteran, reckons I have a prolapsed disc, which after an ad hoc appointment with Dr. Google, sounds plausible.

Back in the day (no pun intended) the advice was to remain horizontal for several weeks but in these enlightened times, regular, gentle movement is recommended.  By dint of trial and squealy error, I've identified which specific movements unleash the worst of the pain and am doing my level best to avoid them, while still remaining mobile. Although tap-dancing is definitely out of the question.

Small Dog has taken up residence on the sofa nearby, and there's a roaring fire.  There are wall-to-wall festive films on TV today so between tentative peregrinations I'm spending my time gainfully, doing some 'research' and forward planning.


Bleue said...

I'm so sorry for your discomfort. Sounds very painful and it's not fair. I hope your recovery is swift. 2020 is just trying out all its tricks and I protest. Not that that does much good. Your fire and your pooch sound nice, so try to enjoy the holiday as much as you can.

Here in North Carolina it is pouring buckets of rain and we had tornado watches. So much for a White Christmas.

Extra hugs.

Dorothy In PA said...

I am so sorry that you have been sidelined for now. I am glad you have figured out the best and worst movements. SD seems prepared to fetch what you need.

A roaring fire sounds wonderful. The close I can come to that is when they show the yulelog burning on TV on Christmas Eve. I somehow managed to miss that this year.

I did learn more about the Bliss Houses. I spoke with a doll club friend who knew right away what they were. I found some photos online. They are lovely.

Take good care.

Sandra Morris said...

Awww....thanks :) Trying to keep moving to the accompaniment of occasional yelps of pain.
No white Christmas here either...we're battening down the hatches as we have Storm Bella blowing in later today.
Stay safe!

Daydreamer said...

Dear Sandra, I am sorry your back is "pinched"! Sometimes rest is the best medicine! (Although we don't want to believe it when we are forced to do it...!) I find stress is the evil cause of so much that is wrong with the body... and this year has been a doozey for new stressors! I hope the warm fire, Small Dog's tender care and Pinterest work a little magic and you feel better soon! The New Year is sure to go better.... I know, I know.... it's a dangerous thought to finish...!

Sandra Morris said...

Thanks Betsy....
Trying to keep moving and restrict the wails of pain when I get a sudden whack.
Definitely fingers crossed for a better year in 2021! Sx