Wednesday 11 January 2023


Next in an occasional series titled "You Couldn't Make It Up" and I'm now two weeks into an intractable chest infection which started between Christmas and New Year.  It's been made worse by being on high dose corticosteroids to treat the colitis flare, which have suppressed my admittedly rubbish immune system, allowing the infection to take hold.  Heavy duty antibiotics have helped, but I'm still really unwell with a hacking cough, intractable nerve pain (yeah.... thanks MS) and zero energy.  Even the 10 second commute from sofa to kitchen requires a lie down to recuperate afterwards. 

And it's not just me.  PP is poorly too, with the same lurgy, although hers has manifested as as a really bad cold.  However, we both have epic coughs and are taking turns glugging double strength cough medicine, honey and lemon drinks and assorted cough pastilles.

So.... not a great start to the year, with both of us ill.  I'm unable to do anything much, apart from rest and try to limit the coughing bouts, which exhaust me even more.  With so much to do it's really frustrating but currently I've no choice but to wait it out.  

Also, despite my best efforts, I've been unable to source any of this, which looks as though it would cure just about anything.  Or at least make me not care.....

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