Saturday 6 May 2023

Craft room makeover planning....Part 2

There's been a lot going on lately, but in amongst it all I've managed to gradually clear out the cupboards in the workroom and list them for sale.  All being well they're being picked up on Monday.

They've been in situ since my last makeover 10 years ago so I expect that the wall behind might be in a sorry state.  At the very least there will be a spider graveyard and 10 years worth of dust.  The new wall storage unit is being delivered next Thursday, and I'm hoping that my rusty flat pack skills hold up to assembling it over the course of a few days. 

However, in the meantime there's the small matter of a plumber coming in on Tuesday to refurb our downstairs cloakroom and fit a new kitchen sink.  My reasoning, such as it was, was that if the house was going to be a mess it may as well be a PROPER full-on, all-singing, all-dancing, unholy guddle. 

While browsing for ideas today, I came across this.....

... so obviously, the newly re-designated craft room is going to be my growlery.

Scene: Sandra is combing the internet for quirky ideas.  A small furry presence materialises on her lap.

Me:*affectionately* Oh hello SD.  I somehow thought you might show up today.

SD:*happily* Wel off korse!  Ar yue maken a growullery?

Me:*brightly* Yes.  Yes I am.  Just looking for ideas.

SD:*focussing on the laptop screen* Ai kan hellp yue.  Ai kno a LOTT abowt growillen.

Me:*smiling* Hmm... yes, I remember. 

SD:*warming to her theme* Growillen is veri impoartint. Itt signiffys yore stait of mined and warrns thatt yue mite gett bitey.

Me:*agreeably* Absolutely SD. 

SD:*questioningly* And yue kneed a speshul room fore thatt?  Ai kude do itt eniwhair.

Me:*firmly* Well, not exactly, no.  But I'd really like one.  It has a certain ring don't you think... a growlery?

SD:*nodding* Absewlootlie.   So.... Pintrest then?

Me: *nodding* Yep.... let's do this.

Scene fades as Sandra and Small Dog's ethereal form settle down companionably for a spell of 'Pintrestin'


Daydreamer said...

Dear Sandra, I am so happy to see that Small Dog is still keeping you company! I think the "Growlery" is a fantastic idea! (We all do spend some serious time in "growlery moods".... so why not have a dedicated space?)
On another note, I have (finally) nearly completed my musical automaton kit (I know, I am very slow!) and I must tell you how much I am enjoying the little doll and her piano! To have lovely piano music wafting out the windows of my Castle Great Hall has me completely enchanted! Thank you again for your Brilliant kit!!! :)

Sandra Morris said...

Thank you pleased you've enjoyed making your little musical automaton. And yes, I think everyone should have their own Growlery... SD definitely gives the idea a firm paws up!