Tuesday 4 July 2023

La Mignonette makeover.... Part 2

Long time readers of this nonsense blog will know that my usual modus operandii is most accurately illustrated by this....

Therefore nobody is more surprised than me that I'm positively galloping along with my La Mignonette makeover.

A few weeks ago I set up its new home in my new craft room.

As it's basically a corner shop, it's only fitting that it sits in a corner, so I used a Kallax double cube unit on its end, with a storage box in the base for bits and pieces related to the build.

With the empty shop in situ on the unit, I glued two walls in place to form the back of the top floor.  I had already wallpapered all the interior walls and painted the exterior walls.

Having painted and decorated the wall units, I installed light bulbs in the top of each section.  I had never tidied all the wires leading to the plug sockets on the back of the building, so I took several hours to cut them all to length and re-fit the plugs, so that there are now no trailing wires at the back.  As there are 15 individual light fittings over the three floors I had to install an additional socket strip, which, of course, meant having to have an extra transformer.

Here are the wall units in place on the new top floor.....  I'm going to have the fronts of each floor fully removeable, to give better access to the rooms, but I'm debating whether to add some additional structural support at the fronts in the shape of 2 columns, to help support the ceilings/roof.

I've decided that the the exterior of the top floor looks a bit bare and nondescript.  I'm going to make curtains for all three windows, nevertheless, the frontage is lacking a certain je ne sais quoi.  So I'm going to add open shutters to the two side windows, and an elaborate pediment to the large central window.

Still more finishing touches to complete, but overall I'm pleased with progress and can now turn my attention to the interiors.

To be continued....


Dorothy in PA said...

I love what you have done so far. I really love your chart. It so applies to me too!

Sandra Morris said...

Thanks Dorothy...
As always, work in progress!