Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The wanderers return..........

Don't you just love it when you get home after a holiday and the weather suddenly takes a turn for the worse? After a week of outdoor living under mostly sunny skies, today has an almost autumnal air to it. Cold, grey and damp.

So, perfect excuse for getting straight back to work, completely bypassing the displacement goblins *ahem*

Ok, I admit it. I have been dallying with the email displacement goblins, but only because they poured in excess of 700 emails into my inbox when I logged on yesterday. Thank goodness I remembered to switch off all my forum emails, otherwise I'd be into the thousands.

Today, small dog has selflessly dedicated herself to catching up with all her naps and has barely moved from the snuggly warmth of her basket. This is despite the fact that this morning I called an Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors, on which small dog is a (sleeping) partner. The fact that the meeting included hot buttered toast with marmalade did entice her to put in a brief appearance, after which she offered her apologies and retired to her nest. So in her absence we pushed through a special resolution regarding the removal of gravy bones from the Director's remuneration package. That'll teach her to take her responsibilities more seriously.

Yes, so, the work thing.

Well you have to work up to these things gradually. I have been doing lists and generally getting into organisational mode, in preparation for a major assault on the workroom. I also have to reconnoitre the Toy Shop, with a view to further weathering and distressing, not to mention yet more fiddling with the electrics, which have become a bit temperamental.

I'm also trying to ignore the 'helpful' countdown timer on my laptop which informed me perkily this morning that there are 123 days remaining till the Kensington Christmas Festival. No worries there then.

Which brings me back to my original point that the dreary weather mitigates against my wandering out into the garden to do a bit of weeding or tidying up.
No, I shall 'get on' with work.

Straight after a cup of tea and a Kit-Kat and this message from our sponsor..................

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