Sunday 27 January 2019

Pie chart bliss.....

Regular readers will know that despite my aversion to all things numerical and mathematical, I have a soft spot for graphs and charts.

I especially like pie charts and this is my current favourite....

As I sit, admiring it and musing on things I might add to the 'Do things without my dog' segment, Small Dog strolls into the office and settles down on her bed.  This involves a lengthy period of scratching and rumpling up the fleecy blanket, turning round and round, lying down, getting up again, more scratching, more turning round, until finally she has the bed arranged to her satisfaction and collapses with a loud sigh.

Me: SD... that bed was lovely and neat and now you've made it into a dog's breakfast. 
SD: *disdainfully* Ai LIEK it thiss wai!  Itt was too flatt befour.  Eniwai.... whott ar yue doen?
Me:*casually* Oh, you know.  Just mooching around the internet.
SD:*concernedly* Yuev knott bean on Pintresst agen hav yue.  Yue kno fool well yule nevvr gett to the botum of thoas paijes.  Alsew yue sed yore pinnen fingur was reelie soar aftur that seshun the uthur dai.....
Me: *dismissively* No SD.  I have NOT been on Pinterest.  I'm trying to wean myself off it this month.
SD:*sniggering* Ahh.  Rite.  A bitt liek Drie Janewary then?
Me: *coldly* Don't be facetious SD.  Anyway, I've just been admiring this pie chart.
SD: *perkily* Pye?  PYE??  Whott sortt of pye?  Stake? Chikkin?
Me: *patiently*  Not THAT sort of pie SD.  It's a a type of graph in which a circle is divided into sectors that each represent a proportion of the whole.
SD: *unhappily* Hmm... wel obviyuslie ai was jusst joaken.  Ai new whot yue ment.  So eniwai... this pye chartt..... *stares intently at the image*
Me: *happily* So... SD.  This pie chart is a fairly accurate representation of my life.
SD:*wonderingly* O mumm.  So... basicklie, yue thinck abowt ME moast of the tym!
Me: *lovingly*  Yes SD.  Yes....I most certainly do.

Scene: Cuddles all round...


DownTheLaneWithDaisy said...

Very cute.

Megan Schetsche said...

It's all so true; our dogs are the main characters, and we're the supporting actors and feeding crew.