Monday 22 August 2011

Useful Stuff....

In conjunction with my 'clean sweep' of the blog, I thought it was an opportune time to introduce some order to the continuing chaos, which has up till now, dogged this blog.  Over the past 4 1/2 years, there HAS been some useful stuff, but due to my complete lack of understanding of 'labels', specific posts have disappeared into the archive with no way of retrieving them.

I did 'do' labels, but they were generally useless as a method of identifying posts which was, of course, A Bad Thing.

For example, on 31 August 2008, I posted with the label 'games to play with your dog'.  Quite why I expected ANYONE to search for such a phrase in the annals of my blog I have no idea.

What can I say?  It seemed like a good idea at the time.

On 26 March 2009, I used the label CWN.  Again, I have no idea why I thought that would help people search for useful stuff.

On 13 March 2008, the label was 'fight to the death'.  I could go on, but I'm sure you get the general idea.

In amongst all the dross highly amusing anecdotes, there were a few nuggets of genuine information of interest to those who might be following my blog, under the deluded impression that there might, at some point, be something about miniature toys, but finding them was, of course, impossible.

Even for me.

And if you're wondering how I've been able to dredge up the examples above, I can reassure you that it wasn't down to my instant recall, or any magnificent feats of memory.


It's because over the past THREE DAYS I have painstakingly gone through all 940 posts, removing each and every useless label.

One by one.

Now is not the time to tell me that there is a button in blogger which will automatically remove all labels from blog posts.  If you do, I will likely have to come and kill you.

So, with all useless labels removed, I can now initiate a new regime, where visitors will be able to find what they're looking for, so long as what they're looking for relates to miniature toy dolls, games, playthings etc.

This long overdue innovation will come into effect later today, and will be added to over the coming weeks and months to build a useful resource.


Useful stuff categories will include:

  • Focus on......  an in depth look at individual Diminutive Dolls miniatures
  • Kit compendium ...... information on our range of DIY kits
  • How to .......   hints and tips on how to achieve specific finishes etc
  • On my work board ..... projects in development
  • How it's made......  a glimpse behind the scenes to see how our miniatures are created 
  • Competition....... an occasional chance to win one of our miniature creations
The first 'Useful Stuff' post will be along later today and you'll find it neatly labelled and accessible in the column on the right.   Thereafter, if you miss a post, you'll be able to check under the various categories to find it.


Incidentally, there will still be Useless Stuff, mostly about Small Dog, camping, displacement activity, life, the universe and everything, but it will be unlabelled and you'll just have to take it as it comes.

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