Sunday 7 May 2017

Tipping point......

Tomorrow, the common or garden chaos currently enveloping the house will reach tipping point and metamorphose into full-blown apocalyptic 'end of days' mayhem.

It's bad enough that the dining room is FULL. OF. STUFF.

It's bad enough that two of the bedrooms scheduled for a makeover are chock full of boxes and bags awaiting dispersal/disposal to charity shops/recycling.

It's bad enough that I've done no real work for several weeks and the wolf is creeping ever closer to the door.

But tomorrow the bathroom chap and his crew are coming at the crack of dawn very early to start ripping out our shower room, heralding a whole new level of crazy.

I'm debating whether to simply bunker down in the workroom for the duration and try to block out the noise and dust, or add to the mayhem by continuing the clearout.

The jury is still out on that one, although last week, during brief gaps in the house work saga I did manage to take some 'sanity time' out and continue work on La Mignonette.

Yes, that is a new addition to the family and you can read more about him HERE.

I have the feeling it's going to be a l-o-n-g week.....  *sigh*

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