Friday 9 January 2009

Displacement activity #1

As part of my 'New Year, New Me' campaign (ref. also see Wii Fit posts) I have forsworn Walker's crisps, which in my feverish, crisp-deprived imaginings have achieved a status far beyond their worth.

Anyhoo, while perusing my news feeds this morning, I came across this little gem which got my salivary glands working overtime.

Cajun squirrel flavour crisps? I'd pay good money to try those any day.


Erika said...

What cute little fellow, yeah me to. Hum wonder how those crisp would taste?!?

Sandra Morris said...

I expect they taste like chicken if the packet is anything to go by ;-)

Debbie said...

Now that's why that Squirrel is so fat, he's been at the Walkers...